Emory Law and the Roberto C. Goizueta Business School cooperate in a program that enables a student to receive the juris doctor and master of business administration (JD/MBA) degrees in four years rather than the usual five. Candidates for this degree program apply to each school independently. On admission, students consult with the program director in each school to plan their respective programs. Candidates may begin the cooperative program in either the business school or the law school. In either case, the first year of study in the law school is taken solely in the law school and the first year of study in the business school is taken solely in the business school. The remaining two years of the program are taken jointly in the law and business schools. Students pay five semesters of law school tuition and three semesters of business school tuition. To receive the doctor of law degree through the cooperative program, a candidate must satisfactorily complete the following:
- All requirements for the master of business administration degree, including not fewer than 49 semester hours in the business school
- A minimum of 79 semester hours in the law school with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.25
- Completion of all prescribed courses required for the JD degree
- Not fewer than five semesters of residence in the law school
- Not fewer than four academic years in the entire cooperative program
Courses taken in the business school are included in determining law school residence in any term taken jointly in both schools provided that a minimum of three semester hours of course work is taken in the law school. In addition, the normal rules controlling fractional residence apply.