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Areas of Expertise

Property Law; Copyright Law; Informal Systems of Order


Property Law, Wills & Trusts, Real Estate Transactions, Happiness & the Law


Dave Fagundes writes and teaches about property, including copyright, real estate, and wills and trusts.

Professor Fagundes' most recent and forthcoming scholarship focuses on life story rights agreements for film and television production, the intersection of copyright and administrative law, the terminal doctrines of intellectual property, and the Anna Nicole Smith estates litigation. His articles have appeared in the Cornell Law Review, the Northwestern University Law Review, the Texas Law Review, and the Vanderbilt Law Review, among others. His work has been selected for presentation at leading national venues including the Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum and the plenary session of the IP Scholars’ Conference (on two occasions), and has been showcased four times in the Journal of Things We Like Lots (JOTWELL).

Fagundes previously taught at the University of Houston Law Center (UHLC) and at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, California. Prior to entering academia, he worked as a Bigelow Fellow and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School, an associate at the Washington, DC office of Jenner & Block, LLP, and a clerk to Judge David S. Tatel of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.

Fagundes was named UHLC Professor of the Year in 2020 and was awarded the University of Houston’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2023. He was elected to the American Law Institute in July 2020.