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Ani B. Satz

Professor of Law & Public Health; Director, Health Law, Policy & Ethics Project

Areas of Expertise

Health Law, Disability Law, Law and Philosophy, Animal Law, Torts


Torts, Health Law, Disability Law, Animal Law, Genetics and the Law, Law and Vulnerability, Business Ethics


Ani B. Satz, a regulatory health lawyer and philosopher, is an expert in health and disability law, policy, and ethics. Professor Satz's work addresses some of the most important legal, social, and ethical issues of our time, including access to health care services, medical privacy, emergency preparedness, fragmentation in health care delivery and financing, tort law as private regulation of health care, and disability accommodation and discrimination.

Professor Satz is the Founding Director of the Health Law, Policy & Ethics Project at Emory. In addition to her Law School appointment, she is a Professor of Health, Policy & Management at the Rollins School of Public Health, a Senior Faculty Fellow at the Center for Ethics, and an Affiliated Professor at the Goizueta Business School.

From 2018-21, Professor Satz served a three-year administrative term as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past-President of the University Senate and Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past-Chair of the University Faculty Council.

Professor Satz’s scholarship brings together law, policy, ethics, and business to examine issues affecting human health, individuals with disabilities, and nonhuman animals. Her research is united around the central themes of fragmentation in regulation, the difference between formal legal protections and lived experience, and the role of tort law in promoting health care quality.

Professor Satz's most recent scholarship examines conflicts between regulatory and public health law paradigms, the medical privacy of injured workers, corporate influence on professional custom in tort, emergency preparedness for individuals with disabilities, and liability for injury to owned animals. Her work has appeared in books, peer-reviewed journals, and law reviews. Her scholarship is published in journals including the Michigan Law Review, Indiana Law Journal, Washington Law Review, William & Mary Law Review, Alabama Law Review, Emory Law Journal, Washington & Lee Law Review, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, and Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics among others. Professor Satz and her research have been featured by NBS, ABC, CBS, and Fox News, CNN, National Public Radio, Time Magazine, The Hill, The Christian Science Monitor, HuffPost, and other media outlets.

Professor Satz was a Fulbright Postgraduate Research Scholar at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, after graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Tulsa. She holds a JD from the University of Michigan School of Law and a PhD in philosophy from Monash University, which she completed while a fellow at Princeton University in both the Philosophy Department and Center for Human Values. Before coming to Emory, Professor Satz lectured at Yale University in the Philosophy Department and the Ethics, Politics and Economics Program, as well as at Monash University Medical School. She also clerked for the Honorable Jane R. Roth of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

Professor Satz was elected to the American Law Institute in 2016. She served as 2017 Chair of the Section on Animal Law, 2014 Chair of the Section on Law, Medicine and Health Care, and 2009 chair of the Section on Disability Law of the Association of American Law Schools. She was a visiting professor at Georgetown University Law Center Fall 2010.

Education: JD, University of Michigan; PhD, Monash University (completed at Princeton University); BA (Hons.), University of Tulsa