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Silas W. Allard

Christianity and the Law of Migration: An Introduction (Routledge, 2021) (with Kristin E. Heyer & Raj Nadella) Allard also wrote the book’s introduction, “Introduction: Law and Theology in the Age of Migration,” and the chapter “Borders as Sites of Exclusion and Engagement.”

“Hopelessly Practicing Asylum: Asylum Seekers, Advocates, and Hostile Jurisdictions,” in Christianity and International Law: An Introduction (Pamela Slotte & John D. Haskell eds., 2021)

Thomas C. Arthur

NCAA v. Alston: Unanswered Questions About the Future of College Sports — and the Antitrust Rule of Reason, George Washington Law Review “On the Docket” (2021) 

Margo A. Bagley

“Just” Sharing, 63 Harvard International Law Journal (forthcoming 2022)

What’s Yours is Mine and What’s Mine is Mine: Benefit-sharing Obligations and the De-Materialization of Genetic Resources, 63 Harvard International Law Journal Online (forthcoming 2021)

Advancing Commercialization of Digital Products from Federal Laboratories, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, Committee Consensus Study Report (2021)

Genome Editing in Latin America: CRISPR Patent and Licensing Policy, NCSU Genetic Engineering and Society Center (2021)

Intellectual Property, Access to Medicines, and Christian Tradition, in Christian Tradition and Economic Regulation (Daniel Crane ed., 2021)

Inspired by the Word: Exploring Intellectual Property through the Lens of Religious Thought, in Handbook on Intellectual Property Research (Irene Calboli & Maria Lillà Montagnani eds., 2021) 

Laurie R. Blank

International Conflict and Security Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2022) 

International Law and Armed Conflict: Fundamental Principles and Contemporary Challenges in the Law of War (2nd ed., Aspen/Wolters Kluwer 2021) (with Gregory P. Noone)

Dorothy A. Brown

The Whiteness of Wealth: How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans — and How We Can Fix It (Crown 2021)

Michael J. Broyde

Setting the Table: An Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Rabbi Yechiel Mikhel Epstein’s Arukh HaShulhan (Academic Studies Press 2021) (with Shlomo C. Pill)

William J. Carney

Organizing a Business Law Department Within a Law School, University of Colorado Law Review Digital

Rafael Domingo

Business and Spirituality: A Discussion Paper on Intertwining Metaparadigms, 23(1) Journal of Applied Business and Economics (2021)

 John Paul II and the Law, 55 General Review of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Law of the State 1 (2021)

Toward the Spiritualization of Politics, 63(2) Journal of Church and State 234 (2021)

Law and Christianity in Latin America: The Work of Great Jurists (Routledge 2021) (with M.C. Mirow)

“Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez (El Salvador, 1919 –1980),” in Law and Christianity in Latin America: The Work of Great Jurists (M.C. Mirow & Rafael Domingo eds., 2021)

Mary L. Dudziak

The Numbers: Encountering Casualties in the Era of COVID-19, 45(3) Diplomatic History 489 (2021)

Making the Forever War: Marilyn B. Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism (University of Massachusetts Press 2021) (with Mark Philip Bradley)

An Uncountable Casualty: Ruminations on the Social Life of Numbers, in After Life: Death and Loss in 2020 America (Keri Leigh Merritt, Rhae Lynn Barnes & Yohuru Williams eds., forthcoming 2022)

Martha Albertson Fineman

Populations, Pandemics and Politics, in 0(0) International Journal of Discrimination and Law 1 (special issue: Lessons for and from Vulnerability Theory)

Universality, Vulnerability, and Collective Responsibility, 16(1) The Ethics Forum (2021)

Introduction, 55(1) The Law Teacher 1: Vulnerability and the Organisation of Academic Labour (2021) (with Graham Ferris)

The Importance of Incorporating Feminist Perspectives in Corporate Law, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Corporate Law (Usha Rodrigues, Kelli Alces Williams & Anne Choike eds., forthcoming 2021) (with Anne Choike & Cheryl Wade)

Richard D. Freer

From Contact to Relatedness: The New Era in Specific Personal Jurisdiction, 73 Alabama Law Review (forthcoming 2022)

 The Roberts Court and Class Litigation: Revolution, Evolution, and Work to be Done, 51 Stetson Law Review (forthcoming 2021)

The Political Reality of Diversity Jurisdiction, 94 Southern California Law Review (forthcoming 2021)

Ford Motor Company v. Montana Eighth Judicial District: Lots of Questions, Some Answers, 71 Emory Law Journal Online (2021) (with Patrick Borchers & Thomas Arthur)

“Defense Preclusion”: Exploring a Narrow Gap in Preclusion Law, 40(2) The Review of Litigation 253 (2021)

Civil Procedure (5th ed., Aspen Student Treatise series, forthcoming 2022)

Federal Courts (4th ed., West Academic 2021) (with Donald Doernberg & Martin Redish 

Conflict of Laws: Private International Law (16th ed., West Academic 2021) (with Peter Hay & Patrick J. Borchers)

George S. Georgiev

Is “Public Company” Still a Viable Regulatory Category?, 12 Harvard Business Law Review (forthcoming 2022)

The Erosion of the Public-Private Divide in Securities Law: Causes, Consequences, and Reforms, 18 New York University Journal of Law & Business 1 (forthcoming 2021)

The Human Capital Management Movement in US Corporate Law, 95(3) Tulane Law Review 639 (2021)

Peter Hay

Conflict of Laws: Private International Law (16th ed., West Academic 2021) (with Patrick J. Borchers & Richard D. Freer)

Timothy R. Holbrook

Is There a New Extraterritoriality in Intellectual Property? 44(4) Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts 457 (2021)

Patents, Property, and Possession: A Unifying Approach to Patent Law (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022)

Intellectual Property, in Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law (Austen Parrish & Cedric Ryngaert eds., forthcoming 2022)

Darren Lenard Hutchinson

“With All the Majesty of the Law”: Systemic Racism, Punitive Sentiment, and Equal Protection, 110 California Law Review (forthcoming 2022)

Kristin N. Johnson

The Implications of Artificial Intelligence for a Just Society, Journal of International and Comparative Law (forthcoming 2021)

The Disparate Impact of Digital Surveillance, 101 Boston University Law Review (forthcoming 2021) (with Daiquiri Steele)

Decentralized Finance: Regulating Cryptocurrency Exchange, 62 William & Mary Law Review 1911 (2021)

Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence & The Law (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022) (with Carla Reyes)

Artificial Intelligence & The Law: Cases and Materials (Aspen, forthcoming 2022) (with Carla Reyes)

Algorithmic Corporate Governance, in A Research Agenda for Corporate Law (Christopher Bruner & Marc Moore eds., forthcoming 2022)

Reimagining Investor Protection, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Corporate Law (Usha Rodrigues, Kelli Alces Williams & Anne Choike eds., forthcoming 2021) (with Carla Reyes)

Matthew B. Lawrence

Medicare “Bankruptcy,” 63 Boston College Law Review (forthcoming 2022)

Health Reform Reconstruction, UC Davis Law Review (forthcoming 2022) (with Lindsay Wiley, Erin Fuse Brown & Liz McCuskey)

Subordination and Separation of Powers, 131 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2021)

Congress’s Domain: Appropriations, Time, and Chevron, 70 Duke Law Journal 1057 (2021 

Fiscal Waivers and State “Innovation” in Health Care 62 William & Mary Law Review 1477 (2021)

The Antisocial “Safety Net,” 136(5) Public Health Reports 636 (2021)

COVID-19 Reveals the Fiscal Determinants of Health, in COVID-19 and the Law: Disruption, Impact and Legacy (Abbe Gluck, Katherine Kraschel, & Carmel Shachar eds., forthcoming 2022)

Kay L. Levine

Victims’ Rights in the Diversion Landscape, 74(3) Southern Methodist University Law Review (forthcoming 2021)

Models of Prosecutor-Led Diversion in the US and Beyond, 4 Annual Review of Criminology 331 (2021) (with Ronald Wright)

Jonathan R. Nash

Courts Creating Courts: Problems of Judicial Institutional Self-Design, 73 Alabama Law Review (forthcoming 2021)

The Certificate of Division and the Early Supreme Court, 94 Southern California Law Review 733 (2021) (with Michael Collins) 

Promoting Regulatory Prediction, Indiana Law Journal (forthcoming 2021) (with Jonathan S. Masur) 

Nontraditional Criminal Prosecutions in Federal Court, 53 Arizona State Law Journal 143 (2021)

Rafael I. Pardo

On Bankruptcy’s Promethean Gap: Building Enslaving Capacity into the Antebellum Administrative State, 48(4) Fordham Urban Law Journal 801 (2021)

Secured Transactions: Problems and Materials (4th ed., West Academic Publishing 2021) (with Paul Barron & Mark B. Wessman)

Polly J. Price

Plagues in the Nation: How Epidemics Shaped America
(Beacon Press, forthcoming 2022)

Ani B. Satz

Animal Experimentation and Human Health, in The Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law (Anne Peters, Kristen Stilt & Saskia Stucki eds., forthcoming 2022)

Timothy P. Terrell


Thinking Like a Writer: A Lawyer’s Guide to Effective Writing and Editing (4th ed., Practising Law Institute Press 2021) (with Stephen V. Armstrong & Jarrod F. Reich)

Frank J. Vandall

A Compensation System for Gun Deaths and Injuries, 14 Law Journal for Social Justice 39 (2021)

The United States Ban on Tourism to Cuba, 22 San Diego International Law Journal 263 (2021)

Johan D. van der Vyver

International Criminal Law, Vol. 1: History and Structures of the International Criminal Court (Lambert International Publishing, 2021) Volumes II & III are forthcoming.

Freedom of Religion: Constitutional Patterns of Protection, in Routledge Handbook of Freedom of Religion or Belief (Silvio Ferrari, Mark Hill QC, Arif A. Jamal & Rosella Bottoni eds., 2021)

Liza Vertinsky

Pharmaceutical (Re)capture, 20 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics (2021)

Genetic Paparazzi: Beyond Genetic Privacy, 82 Ohio State Law Review 409 (2021) (with Yaniv Heled)

Genetic Paparazzi, in Consumer Genetic Technologies: Ethical and Legal Considerations (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2021) (with Yaniv Heled)

John Witte Jr.

Faith in Strasbourg and Luxembourg: The Fresh Rise of Religious Freedom Litigation in the Pan- European Courts, 70 Emory Law Journal 587 (2021) (with Andrea Pin)

The Blessings of Liberty: Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the Western Legal Tradition (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022)

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment (5th ed., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2022) (with Joel Nichols & Richard W. Garnett)

The Impact of Family on Character Formation in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (EVA Press, forthcoming 2022) (with Michael Welker, et al.)

The Impact of Education on Character Formation in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (EVA Press, forthcoming 2022) (with Michael Welker, et al.)

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment (4th ed., Oxford University Press, 2016) (French translation by Olivier Descamps, Presses Universitaires de France, forthcoming 2022) (with Joel A. Nichols)

The Western Case for Monogamy over Polygamy (Cambridge University Press, 2015) (Chinese translation by Ruihua Zhong, China Social Sciences Press, forthcoming 2022 

The Sins of the Fathers: The Law and Theology of Illegitimacy Reconsidered (Cambridge University Press, 2009) (Korean translation by David Jung, Hangilsa Publishers, forthcoming 2022) 

Faith, Freedom, and Family: New Essays in Law and Religion (Norman Doe & Gary S. Hauk eds, 2021)

The Protestant Reformation of Constitutionalism, in Christianity and Constitutionalism (Nicholas Aroney & Ian Leigh eds., forthcoming 2022)

“It Takes a Society to Raise a Family”: The Multidimensional Family Sphere, and, Restoring the Value(s) of Religion in American Public Education, both chapters in The Impact of the Family on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (EVA Press, forthcoming 2022)

Foreword, to Law and the Christian Tradition in Modern Russia (Paul Valliere & Randall Poole eds., forthcoming 2022)

Abraham Kuyper and Reformed Public Theology, in Protestantism and Modernity: Abraham Kuyper, Max Weber, and Ernst Troeltsch (Chinese translation, Zhibin Xie ed., 2021)

The Right of Freedom of Religion: An Historical Perspective from the West, in Routledge Handbook on Freedom of Religion and Belief (Silvio Ferrari et al eds., 2021)

Natural Law in Europe and America (1600 –), in The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Constance M. Furey, Joel Marcus LeMon, Brian Matz, Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish & Eric Ziolkowski, eds., 2021)

Teaching Sexual Morality in Church and State: Historically and Today, in The Impact of the Law on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (John Witte Jr. et al eds., 2021)

The Educational Values of Law and Religion Study, in The Impact of Academic Research on Character Formation, Ethical Education and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies (William Schweiker et al eds., 2021)

Foreword, to Law and Christianity in Latin America: The Work of Great Jurists (M.C. Miron & Rafael Domingo eds., 2021)